Ok I just stumbled across 'The Friday Five' on Forever Amber's blog.
Now obviously I'm not totally deranged, I do realise it's Monday :P
But as I've just discovered it I'm going to cheat and do the Friday just gones questions today, then Friday I will get a new set :)
But as I've just discovered it I'm going to cheat and do the Friday just gones questions today, then Friday I will get a new set :)
So here goes ..
1. Could you live without your phone for 1 week for $500?
Absotively. Is anybody offering to take me on with that? Cos I could do with $500 haha :)
2. Whom do you talk to on the phone the most?
Um apart from the general public at work probably Warwick at the moment haha. But it changes a lot, I'm not a big 'caller' I'm a text messager :)
3. Whom do you no longer talk to on the phone but wish you still did?
Hmm, no one really comes to mind :) The people I want to talk to, I do !
4. If you could get ahold of one celebrity phone number, whose digits would you want?
Only one? Hmm damn. This is going to seem like an odd choice but I'm going to pick Eminem. Haha, I was watching an old MTV performance of his today (because I just lead such a gripping life :P) and I've loved him since I was in like Yr. 9. So yea, I'd chew the fat with Eminem :)
5. Do you talk on the phone more or less than you used to?
Um, definitely less than this time last year, the guy that I was dating this time last year was a constant caller! He would call like 5 times a day and then again at night before going to sleep, I swear after about 3 phone calls I've run out of things to say. I'm not interesting enough to sustain 6 phones calls a day!! haha! :)
Well there you go, stay tuned for another entry next Friday!
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